If you’ve just replaced your weatherstripping on your car, but now you need to remove the old adhesive, you may be wondering how best to do it without damaging your vehicle in the process.
So, how to remove weatherstrip adhesive?
There are many different methods, but which one will work best? In this article, I’ll share with you seven different ways and let you choose which one works best for you!
How to Remove Weatherstrip Adhesive?
1) Using A Scraper or Putty Knife
This is the most common and effective method, although it may take some elbow grease. First, you’ll need to heat the adhesive with a hair dryer or heat gun. Once it’s soft, use a putty knife or razor blade to scrape it off. You may need to go over the area multiple times to get all of the adhesive off. Be careful not to scratch your paint!
2) Rub with Rubber Gloves
- First, you will need to gather your supplies. You will need a pair of rubber gloves, a putty knife, and some Goo Gone.
- Next, you will want to ensure that the area you are working in is well-ventilated. This is because the Goo Gone can be pretty smelly.
- Once you have everything, you will want to put on your rubber gloves.
- Take your putty knife and start scraping away at the adhesive.
- If the adhesive is stubborn, you can use the Goo Gone to help loosen it up.
- Once the adhesive is gone, you can wash the area with soap and water to remove any residue.
Read More: 3M Weatherstrip Adhesive Yellow vs. Black

3) Use WD-40
Spray WD-40 on the adhesive and let it sit for a few minutes. This will help to loosen the grip of the adhesive.
You can then use a putty knife or fingers to peel the adhesive away from the weatherstripping. If any residue is left behind, you can also use WD-40 to remove it.
Just spray it on and wipe it away with a clean cloth.
4) Soften With Heat
One of the most effective ways to remove weatherstrip adhesive is by softening it with heat. This can be done with a hair dryer, heat gun, or lighter.
Just hold the heat source about six inches away from the adhesive and wave it back and forth until the adhesive becomes soft. You should then be able to peel it off easily.
If any stubborn bits remain, you can use a putty knife or razor blade to scrape them off. There’s no need to worry about damaging the paint when using these tools, as they will only affect the weatherstrip adhesive.
Be sure not to apply too much pressure, though, as this could cause damage.
Read More: How to Remove Car Emblem Adhesive?
5) Try a Hair Dryer
- Start by heating up the adhesive with a hair dryer.
- Use your fingers to peel the adhesive away from the weatherstripping.
- If the adhesive is still resistant, try using a putty knife or razor blade to scrape it away gently.
- You can also use a commercial adhesive remover, which you can find at most hardware stores.
- Apply the remover according to the instructions on the label.
- Once the adhesive is loosened, use your fingers or a putty knife to remove it completely.
- Wipe away any residue with a clean cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol.
6) Sand Off the Residue
If you want to remove weatherstrip adhesive from your car, you can do so by sanding off the residue. You will need a sheet of sandpaper, a power drill, and a bucket of water:
- Wet the area with the adhesive.
- Use the sandpaper to sand down the residue. Be sure to keep the area wet while you’re sanding. Once you’ve removed most of the residue, use the power drill to remove any remaining adhesive.
- Rinse off the area with water and dry it off with a towel.
7) Using Solvent
Using a solvent is one of the most effective ways to remove weatherstrip adhesive from your car. The first step is to identify what type of Solvent will work best with the adhesive you are trying to remove.
Next, apply the Solvent to a cloth and rub it onto the adhesive. You may need to do this several times before the adhesive loosens.
Once it does, you can use a putty knife or another tool to scrape it off. Finally, clean the area with soap and water to remove any residue.
Read More: How to Remove Windshield Adhesive
What will remove the dried 3M weatherstrip adhesive?
1. WD-40: This method is most effective if the adhesive is still wet. Spray WD-40 onto the adhesive and let it sit for a few minutes. After a few minutes, use a putty knife or another blunt object to scrape off the adhesive.
2. 3M Adhesive Remover: Use this product as directed on the package or on the company’s website. It will remove any dried adhesive from virtually any surface easily and without damaging it.
3. Abrasive Cleaner: If you don’t want to purchase an expensive product like 3 M’s, a simple household abrasive cleaner should do the trick too. Simply pour some on top of the old glue and scrub it until all of it is gone – again, be careful not to damage your car’s paint!
How do you soften weather stripping on a car?
- You can use a hair dryer to soften the adhesive.
- You can also use a heat gun, but be careful not to overheat the area.
- Another option is to soak a rag in hot water and then apply it to the adhesive.
- You can also try using WD-40 or another similar product.
- If you need something stronger, you can use acetone or a paint stripper.
- Finally, you can always take your car to a professional with the right tools and experience to safely remove the adhesive.
Last Opinion
Removing weatherstrip adhesive from your car can be done in several ways. You can use chemicals, heat, or manual labor. Each method has its own set of pros and cons. Try a few different methods to see which one works best for you.